It's been awhile since I wrote a post, so I thought I'd whip something up real quick. So I was pretty much as sick as a guy who's really sick yesterday and strangely enough laid back and watched all the Evil Dead movies with all the special features, I guess I'm already in the Halloween spirit. I think I've even found a new found respect for Raimi's debut film, I mean it may have a weak story and forgettable cast, aside from Bruce Campbell, but the gore is really something else. From stop motion, to claymation, to using creamed corn as guts... It's pretty impressive for a low budget movie and can you believe out of 41 reviews, it has 100% on Rotten Tomoatoes? Anymore and I'm sure it would start to go down, I don't mind but I've always preferred the sequel, which only has a 98%, I guess Raimi nows how to deliver entertainment.
On to the main point of this post, I was reading up on Sam Raimi to see what projects he has lined up and was quite surprised to see he's making his return to horror with the film Drag Me to Hell. With all the big budgets Sam works with today, I was looking forward to a return to his roots and this sounds intriguing. From what I've pieced together, the basic plot is that of a L.A. loan officer (Alison Lohman) who becomes cursed by an old lady that she refuses a loan, the old woman curses the loan officer and starts to ruin her life in terrifying ways and I guess Justin Long is in there somewhere as well. So there isn't a lot to work off of right now, but there has been some reassurring news unfortunately followed by some talk that already worries me, let me lay it out.
- The script is being written by Ivan and Sam Raimi, who although aren't perfect, they recently wrote Spider-Man 3 together, they've still written some good stuff such as Darkman and Army of Darkness. I mean I'd rather the Raimi's generate something from their own twisted imagination when it comes to horror, than hire someone else.
- Altough horror, Raimi promises some dark humor, which is always good to hear.
- Raimi's working with a smaller budget, some off his old school gross out makeup, and as he says "limited CGI".
- It's coming out relatively soon, May 29, 2009 to be exact, my 20th birthday.
- When Raimi was asked in an interview at Comic Con "Will it be extra gory?" his reply was "No it's extra clean." stating the suspense would be the main draw. Hmm I smell a PG-13 and is that what we want in Raimi's return to horror?
- Bruce Campbell unfortunately couldn't participate, even in a cameo, due to his commitments to his show Burn Notice nobody working on the film's fault, just a shame to hear.
- Hmm, I guess that's it so far... but that gore one is a big one.
So though I don't know too much about the specifics, I'm still generally interested. Plus it'll be good to have a horror movie out next year by a seasoned professional. That reminds me, I saw a trailer for next April's Wolf Man that some filmed on his camera at the San Diego Comic Con and I must say, it looks pretty sweet. Well that's enough for know see you in the funny papers
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