Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Getting "Red"y

So how about that new Weezer album cover? Pretty wacky, especially Rviers Cuomo's new umm "Cowboy look" but I'm pretty pumped for their new album. I thought their new single "Pork and Beans" was pretty catchy so I remain hopeful. I guess the problem these days is that Weezer has kind of strained from their Cooky Alternative roots. I mean I liked a handful of songs from their last few albums, but they certainly aren't as inventive or experimental as the Weezer of the 90s. Possibly a good sign is that their latest single "Pork and Beans" is about people telling them to try and be more commercial. Could this mean they'll mix it up a litte on this new album? Some of the other band members are singing and writing a few tracks so I guess we'll see.
Though who knows, maybe the fact that the new album is self-titled again is a good omen. The Blue Album and The Green Album are certainly strong works, so let's hope for the best.

If your curious, here's a link to Weezer new single on Weezer's offical Site
Pork and Beans

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

SAC Fever

Congrats to Jose Lopez on being the 12th player in MLB history to hit 3 SAC flies in a game. With the whole team hitting a total of 5 SAC flies in their impressive 11-6 win over The Royals. Everyone was swinging the bat tonight and it made for some good baseball. I found it especially interesting to see Arthur Rhodes tonight. Coming back to play after a year long absence and after recovering from Tommy John surgery is impressive. Though he only pitched for a a few batters in the 9th, it was still good to see him back to work and in a Mariners jersey again. Another thing I think worth mentioning, is last night's appearance of knuckleballer R.A. Dickey ((who's also gone through Tommy John surgery) back in the Majors pitching an inning for the M's. Well just thought I'd tell you what's on my mind. Happy Jackie Robinson's debut in MLB day!

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Not Easy Being Green

Could last night of been the last Seattle Sonic's last home game, in the team's 40 year existence? As April 11th was the last ome game of the season, the big question is "Will the team actually be moving to Oklahoma City next season." Supposedly we'll get a better idea come around this June during the trial precedings of Clay Bennett against the City of Seattle. With Seattle hoping to keep the Sonics at least until 2010, it's a depressing thought to know that we may not have a basketball team anymore, at least at some point in time. So how was last night's game? Not bad, fans were enthusiastic (even Gary Payton showed up to give his respects) and The Sonics managed to come from behind and beat the Mavericks 99-95. Good to see us go out on a good note I suppose.

In all of this, I just thought I'd use this opportunity to give my respect to my team, if they are truly leaving. Though I never got to experience the Glory Days of the late 70s, with legendary Sonics like "Downtown" Freddy Brown, Jack Sikma or player and coach Lenny Wilkens, I've heard plenty and still got to see the Sonics second best era in the Mid 90s. The days of Shaun Kemp, Gary "The Glove" Payton and Detlef Schrempf were exciting enough and I'm glad to of experienced it. So though we may have some douchebag (who never really cared about the Seattle fans) trying to snatch up our team. They'll always be Seattle's team if I have anything to say about it. Plus having a Sasquatch mascot in Oklahoma? That doesn't make sense.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Dealy O

Hey, hey, hey... So just to clear things up (In regards to the Cat Fancy blog) I was never trying to be rude to the C-Man or the Reverend, if this were real life, I would of just been casually joking about how me and Sean make all the posts, but since you lose that "human touch" on the internet it probably came off as really serious. Though it had been like weeks since Nancy and Colin had made a post, so I just figured I might as well just have my own blog again. I didn't think it was any big deal, but I guess it makes me come off as a bad guy like Snively Whiplash. It's not that I'm like, "Oh god the blog has to be done every day!" just at least every once in awhile, and I'm disappointed that it's become this chore because it takes like 5 minutes. I mean were all busy and everything, but I think everyone could at least do a post once a week, but you know whatever. When it all comes down to it's just a blog, and I don't really care that much. So I'll probably just post something later this week on C.F, I guess it probably wasn't the best idea to just quit, but I was hoping it would get people posting again. I was more of just pissed off that night no one was making an attempt to do a T3 that night. Well grbye, I got to catch up on my "Parental Control"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spoonful of Sugar

Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (2007)

So recently I picked up Spoon's most current album released last summer and since than (after giving it many listens) I can strongly say it's pretty darn good. Now the story of how I ended up getting this abum all started probably around last winter. I heard one of their songs on the radio I think it was "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" and was like "This is nice, I like this, what is it?' Colin told me it was Spoon (They did that song that was in the trailers for "Stranger Than Fiction" that wasn't "Don't Bring Me Down" you know the piano heavy thing, I guess they contributed to the soundtrack) which I'd heard of before but knew nothing of. I tried to remember that but soon forgot, not long after I was in Sean's car for reasons which I can't remember and Spoon's "Don't You Evah" was on the radio. Once again I liked it, though I didn't even know it was the same band, then cut to about earlier in March where my dad and I heard "The Underdog" on the radio but "The End" didn't say who it was... Some times Radio stations screw around with you like that, like announcing all the songs they'll play in an hour but then wont mention it again. Anyways, it would never of even of crossed my mind that these three songs were by the same band let alone on the same album, so when I found this out I had to get it the album.

Now cut to about last weekend, I picked up the album at Silver Platters for free with my points or "funbucks" if you like, and decided to give it a shot. My immediate reaction was yeah it's good, there were a couple songs I was "iffy" about but for the most part it wasn't bad. Though not long after, I found myself liking just about all the songs. With probably the only song that I don't care for being "The Ghost of You Lingers" (which never really goes anywhere interesting) but after that it's smooth sailing. With the offbeat yet entertaining alternative rock of Spoon's "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga" Lead Songwriter and front man Britt Daniel leads the group with his rough European sounding voice (They are from Austin, Texas) while penning a handful of gems in this at times sparse yet creative work. From the more upbeat tunes such as "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" and "The Underdog" (Incorporating nice touches of brass, xylophone, and interesting forms of percussion) to the more abstract "Finer Feelings" or "My Little Japanese Cigarette Case" Spoon's sound has a unique charm to it with this handful of somewhat unconventional rock songs. It might take a little while to get into but it's certainly worth a shot if you're looking for something new in the world of Alternative music.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Walk in the Park

I've decided I'm going to try and split my ideas for blogs between My own and The Cat Fancy Blog, in an attempt to keep my own blog reguarly updadted. Naturally my own will have more personal stories and if I want to post something but there has already been a post on Cat Fancy I'll put it here. So today I thought I'd discuss my thoughts on last Saturday's SNL which I have to admit, wasn't half bad.

Now this is really something of a shocker when you look at the current quality of the show. It isn't a particularily strong cast these days (Seth Meyers) and only every once in a blue moon do they pull off a good sketch, but this episode actually had a handful of funny sketches due solely to Mr. Christopher Walken. Now I always check into SNL once a week for at least a sketch (I guess I always want to see if it will fail to dissapoint, but it always does) and with the Walkman hosting, I couldn't resist. So the show starts and here I expect Colin and I to watch it for about 5 minutes before we change it to something better and guess what... We actually watched the whole episode. From the opening monologue where Christopher Walken "Writes questions for people to ask him" to the very end. It was a good feeling to be like was "This ain't bad, maybe this will work out" and for the most part it did. naturally there were some weak sketches, (that's too be expected with a 90 minute show) but only a few (Like "Weekend Update" and that skit where Kristin Wiig was the lady excited for a party) Some of these sketches were a great showcase for Walken's outright kookiness including; cleaning up a school production of "Grease" with lyrical changes such as "Go Gene Rayburn, Go Gene Rayburn" and "Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Hubba Hubba, Fleam", being obsessed with a male co-worker, and playing a paranoid gardener who places googily eyes on plants are all sketches that complimented Walken's style. So aside from a few weak sketches (and a somewhat underwhelming performance by emo rockers Panic At The Disco) It was one of the best episodes in a while.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tickler for a Stickler

I finally got to see some of Larry David's HBO series "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and defintely have found a strong liking to it immediately. My dad and I went down to 'Hollywood Video" with the intention of renting the first season but since it was unavailable, we ended up getting the second season instead. I was definitely not thrilled by the idea of starting with the second season but my dad's like "It's a sitcom" so I just went with the flow and actually I wasn't confused or anything it was definitely very funny. It's almost like " The George Costanza Show" in that Larry David really is quite similar to George. Picking and prodding at insignificant issues which always backfire and end up making things much worse for him. I'll admit sometimes I feel like Larry gets on too many people's bad sides when it isn't always his fault, but it's just a comedy and for most part usually adds to the experience. There are as well those very tense spots, where your like "No don't say that, don't say anything you'll just make it worse." and then he goes ahead and screws everything up. A great show indeed, I wish I'd figured out about renting the show earlier.

Back To School

I realized I don't update this enough so I decided to give it another whirl. I don't have as many exciting adventures as Sean, but there's got to be something interesting I can share hmmm... Oh well I did get my new classes earlier this week. (Being that my Spring Break has recently ended) "Math" which I never like to discuss, "Media & Messages" A.K.A "Visual Literacy" which is just an excuse to analyze movie clips and "Advanced Screen Writing" which looks to be fun but as well very intimate. I say this for the reason that only people who were in the first class could take this one thus there are only eleven students. We meet on Fridays for 2 1/2 hours and critique and help each other with our screenplays. It's fun to be in an enivronment where you can mention any movie and at least someone else will have seen it. (I can only take so much of hearing people talk about stuff like 'Jumper" and "10,000 B.C.") Definitely a nerdy environment, but for the most part it's where I belong. As for everyone's ideas, I usally have mixed feelings. Not that I think my ideas are that great but sometimes I think some people just don't take the time to come up with a story. Stuff about Special Opps. agents, vampires or aliens. There hasn't been too much of that in this class... Yet, but personally I'd be embarassed to write about something so juvenile. I think another aspect I cant stand, is some of these stories are just endlessly confusing. Sometimes it seems like it'll take someone 30 minutes to explain there story tsk tsk.

Another class I feel like mentioning just briefly is "Media and Messages" which I said earlier is more of an analysis of movies than anything else. It makes me feel cool because I always know plenty about the movies were discussing or have seen them, so i always feel like I'm on the rigtht wave link. Despite the fact that I can never think of anything meanigful to say when we discuss the clip right after we've seen it. (I'm not good on my toes) So anyways, we look at violence and messages in film and most importantly visuals. "A Clockwork Orange", "The Wild Bunch" and "Bonnie and Clyde" are a few things we've looked at, it's not bad. Something interesting is my instructor has a Wikipedia entry, talking about his life and short films even going on to say he won some sort of special oscar for a documentary he made in the late 70s... I can't figure out what this means as I can't find his film to have won any oscars.... But he's still interesting guy and he knows his stuff.