Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (2007)

So recently I picked up Spoon's most current album released last summer and since than (after giving it many listens) I can strongly say it's pretty darn good. Now the story of how I ended up getting this abum all started probably around last winter. I heard one of their songs on the radio I think it was "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" and was like "This is nice, I like this, what is it?' Colin told me it was Spoon (They did that song that was in the trailers for "Stranger Than Fiction" that wasn't "Don't Bring Me Down" you know the piano heavy thing, I guess they contributed to the soundtrack) which I'd heard of before but knew nothing of. I tried to remember that but soon forgot, not long after I was in Sean's car for reasons which I can't remember and Spoon's "Don't You Evah" was on the radio. Once again I liked it, though I didn't even know it was the same band, then cut to about earlier in March where my dad and I heard "The Underdog" on the radio but "The End" didn't say who it was... Some times Radio stations screw around with you like that, like announcing all the songs they'll play in an hour but then wont mention it again. Anyways, it would never of even of crossed my mind that these three songs were by the same band let alone on the same album, so when I found this out I had to get it the album.
Now cut to about last weekend, I picked up the album at Silver Platters for free with my points or "funbucks" if you like, and decided to give it a shot. My immediate reaction was yeah it's good, there were a couple songs I was "iffy" about but for the most part it wasn't bad. Though not long after, I found myself liking just about all the songs. With probably the only song that I don't care for being "The Ghost of You Lingers" (which never really goes anywhere interesting) but after that it's smooth sailing. With the offbeat yet entertaining alternative rock of Spoon's "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga" Lead Songwriter and front man Britt Daniel leads the group with his rough European sounding voice (They are from Austin, Texas) while penning a handful of gems in this at times sparse yet creative work. From the more upbeat tunes such as "You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb" and "The Underdog" (Incorporating nice touches of brass, xylophone, and interesting forms of percussion) to the more abstract "Finer Feelings" or "My Little Japanese Cigarette Case" Spoon's sound has a unique charm to it with this handful of somewhat unconventional rock songs. It might take a little while to get into but it's certainly worth a shot if you're looking for something new in the world of Alternative music.
Sounds good. Maybe when I come and get Consolers you can hook me up with this too.
This word verification thing is annoying.
You need some writing lessons sir. You write like a 14-year-old.
So what do you get off on insulting people you don't know? I mean does anyone really benefit from that? Saying my writing is equal to that of a teenager is hardly constructive, it's just mean spirited. I'm quite aware that I'm no F. Scott Fitzgerald but I enjoy writing on my blog, it's something fun that I like to share that with my friends.
I'm quite aware that by having a blog my writing becomes available to anyone, but I find it unsettling that some anonymous person would come here just to try and humiliate me. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't leave such comments.
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