I realized I don't update this enough so I decided to give it another whirl. I don't have as many exciting adventures as Sean, but there's got to be something interesting I can share hmmm... Oh well I did get my new classes earlier this week. (Being that my Spring Break has recently ended) "Math" which I never like to discuss, "Media & Messages" A.K.A "Visual Literacy" which is just an excuse to analyze movie clips and "Advanced Screen Writing" which looks to be fun but as well very intimate. I say this for the reason that only people who were in the first class could take this one thus there are only eleven students. We meet on Fridays for 2 1/2 hours and critique and help each other with our screenplays. It's fun to be in an enivronment where you can mention any movie and at least someone else will have seen it. (I can only take so much of hearing people talk about stuff like 'Jumper" and "10,000 B.C.") Definitely a nerdy environment, but for the most part it's where I belong. As for everyone's ideas, I usally have mixed feelings. Not that I think my ideas are that great but sometimes I think some people just don't take the time to come up with a story. Stuff about Special Opps. agents, vampires or aliens. There hasn't been too much of that in this class... Yet, but personally I'd be embarassed to write about something so juvenile. I think another aspect I cant stand, is some of these stories are just endlessly confusing. Sometimes it seems like it'll take someone 30 minutes to explain there story tsk tsk.
Another class I feel like mentioning just briefly is "Media and Messages" which I said earlier is more of an analysis of movies than anything else. It makes me feel cool because I always know plenty about the movies were discussing or have seen them, so i always feel like I'm on the rigtht wave link. Despite the fact that I can never think of anything meanigful to say when we discuss the clip right after we've seen it. (I'm not good on my toes) So anyways, we look at violence and messages in film and most importantly visuals. "A Clockwork Orange", "The Wild Bunch" and "Bonnie and Clyde" are a few things we've looked at, it's not bad. Something interesting is my instructor has a Wikipedia entry, talking about his life and short films even going on to say he won some sort of special oscar for a documentary he made in the late 70s... I can't figure out what this means as I can't find his film to have won any oscars.... But he's still interesting guy and he knows his stuff.
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