Well here we are into April and I'm currently on my second week of classes. I've Anthropology this quarter which so far is both fun and fascinating. It seems like most of my favorite classes at BCC have been taught by younger, cooler teachers, I guess they're just more in touch with this go-go gadget modern world. I've also got my typical math class, hopefully this will be one of the last ones I take, it;s taught by your typical Mr. Mabbott-esque old guy educator. I've also got my online class which I like now but really pissed me off at first.

So I signed up for an online class called "American Heroes" just before Spring Break. It didn't really give any specific information regarding the class specifics online, but being that it would give me some of that sweet, sweet credit I signed up. Then I went to go get my books during Spring Break in which I received a National Geographic book called "American Heroes" and a book about Malcolm X. So I figure "Okay this is a class about influential Americans." but that didn't turn out to be the case. The class turned out to be about Western heroes in fiction. Well that's cool, but why the hell did I get these other books? I sent my teacher and email but he never responded. A lot of other people in the class were hella confused but didn't get answer either, so everybody' just went with it. Basically we watch a western every week and than take a quiz and write a brief character analysis along with some reading and essays. The only thing is no one has the actual book yet because everyone got some Malcolm X book. So I just ordered this apparently new book off of Amazon with the dough I got from selling some old books to BCC and here I am now.

Let's see what else is worth discussion? Oh, April Fool's Day was just great last week in our household. My mom usually plays a prank on Paul and myself every year, which I usually don't enjoy, but this year it was pretty good. So I awoke that morning at about 7:00, completely forgetting it was April Fools, got dressed and opened my door only to reveal something that gave me a good scare. For what else was standing behind that door but a life size cut out of Zach Effron. At first I thought it was lPaul standing before me with a large disturbing grin but after I realized it was just a cardboard cut out I had a good laugh. I tried the same prank on Paul leaving it in front of his door for when he woke up, but he wasn't really that surprised. As the day progressed everyone was taking that cutout and hiding all around the house. You'd find it in various rooms, in the shower it was everywhere. That was a good day in my book.

Last weekend the family and I went to the Swedish Cultural Center for it's monthly Swedish breakfast which was good. I'd never felt so accepted with all the old paintings and artwork of tall blonde dudes, I was in good company, though the huge crowds of old people were kind of annoying. It just seemed like every single one of them had a story to tell about the "old country".
I went to Adventureland last weekend with Paul, though we had to go to Crossroads after we noticed Bella Botega was carding people left and right. Luckily we got in safely at Crossroads and enjoyed the movie, though I'm more looking forward to Observe and Report this weekend. In the world of T.V. I'm back watching the fifth season of Oz and the second season of Deadwood which has been pretty boring ever since Ian McShane's character has been somewhat out of commission. Luckily his character is almost back to his dynamic self so I think the show will pick up again. I checked out the season premiere of Rescue Me and was surprised to see I had no problem getting back into it. I'd watched most of the previous season so I felt pretty in check, the show's still entertaining. Animation wise I haven't been too hot on South Park this season and Family Guy has still been more or less hit or miss these days. Hopefully I'll find some more good comedic Television somewhere soon.

Aside from all this I've pretty much been in baseball mode. It's hard for me to take losses early on in a season but I'm real excited about our offense, especially (well aside from Griffey) Franklin Gutierez who I'm all about. Probably just because I love yelling "Gut!" to the T.V. "C'mon Gut, my man Gut!" It's early but I think we have a good chance of dishing out a fairly respectable season. I mean you can only expect so much out of team that's rebuilding.
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