Howdy everyone, here's what I suppose has become my monthly update. So I just started classes recently and everything looks to be promising. I finally have a hands on video production class which looks like fun. Though it's weird cause a bunch of people who introduced themselves were all like 'Yeah I used to do commercials for some company." Hmm, "Then why are you in this class?" I ask. It doesn't make sense it's like a beginner class. I guess people just like to exaggerate I was just like "I make stupid Youtube" videos and then the teacher said "Have I had you before?" and I replied "No but apparently I look like a lot of people" that got a good laugh, I'm awesome. Unfortunately my other two classes are online because that's the only form their offered in and they're required for my degree. Sometimes I wonder if technology is ruining some of the social aspects of education.

I got my work schedule perfectly balanced with my classes so although I'm busy I got it all in check. My free time has mostly been made up of watching all the various TV shows I've purchased recently. This includes; season 1 and 2 of Flight of the Conchords, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 4 and Dexter: Season 2 which now my whole family is obsessed with or "all about" if you will. My dad and I are pretty wrapped up in it right now. Combine that with all the new fall shows on NBC and HBO (I'll elaborate shortly) and it's been crazy keeping up with everything.

So like I said my dad recently purchased HBO for the sole purpose of Curb Your Enthusiasm. It was awesome seeing a brand new episode on it's premiere showing but aside from that HBO is not worth it at all. The other show to premiere was Bored to Death with Jason Schwartzman and Zach Galfianakis (okay but not particularly interesting) and then they just replay Entourage and a bunch of crappy movies over and over again.
I'm getting pumped for some of the upcoming movie and music releases and well... I guess that's everything I feel like reporting as of this moment. See you all in the funny pages, Otteni out.
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