Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tough Times

Tough times have hit the family again as my dad is once again in the hospital. It's all so confusing and stressful right now but from what I understand he got a staff infection and has very serious blood clotting and his kidneys aren't properly functioning (This is all related to his surgery back in April.) There's far more too it but I have trouble understanding it myself, I'm not even sure if everything I just said made any sense. He's been in the critical care ward of Evergreen hospital since monday and no one has any idea how it could turn out. It hasn't gotten any worse since he was taken in but if he can't get healthy enough for another surgery enough, through antibiotics, he won't make it. All I and my family can do now is to hope for the best.


Sean said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I really hope your dad pulls through. This whole thing sucks. If you need anything, just ask.

John said...

Thank you, your support means a lot.