This was an interesting weekend as myself and my friends, went to go see both "Rambo" and "Atonement" at Bella Botega. Now why would I see "Atonement"? Well basically my only reason is that it was nominated for best picture, not only that but it is well took home best picture at the Golden Globes, and did it deserve it? The answer is "No not really." Unfortunately, "Atonement" is one of the most dull films I can recall seeing in theaters in awhile. There is definitely some Interesting story elements in this (Which is why I wonder if the book is perhaps better) but their mostly drown out through character's aimlessly wandering around and acting all depressed. Now I didn't hate "Atonement" I did like the young girl played by Saoirse Ronan (Whom is up for best supporting actress by the way) and the sets were nice, which I suppose should be expected in a period piece, but after the first act I couldn't help but begin to feel bored. I didn't too much care for the leads, James McAvoy wasn't particularly compelling and Keira Knightley (Who seems to shift from period piece to period piece) was in my opinion pretty dry. Going back to my point on "the book" I'd like to think that certain books just don't translate well into film. A lot can be lost including; detail, how the character's feel or what they think, not to mention you don't have to absorb the whole story in one sitting. Perhaps all the shots of the characters wandering or acting all pouty were trying to portray this, but it certainly didn't work for me. Overall "Atonement" definitely isn't Oscar worthy, I guess if you like sappy period piece's then you might like it, but if not then I suggest you avoid this one.
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