Louis XIV - Slick Dogs And Ponies

Now though I usually give an album a couple of listens before I make an opinion, Louis XIV's new album "Slick Dogs and Ponies" has already hooked me in. With more complex arrangements (Strings on almost every song) and rich backup vocals Louis XIV have given us a solid album. A nice balance of dirty rockers and bittersweet ballads, "Slick Dogs and Ponies" was a step in the right direction for Louis XIV whom now have become almost like a modern day glam rock band. Some of my favorite tracks are the bowie esq. "Air Traffic Control" the starting track "Guilt By Association" and "Hopesick" But I basically have a strong liking for most of the other songs too. I probably still like the last album better, but this is still a pretty good start for music in 08' for me, some swell stuff.
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