I'd originally hoped for this to be posted the day after Christmas but I didn't feel like it. Therefore I'll include a little summary of New Years Eve along with Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
Well I hope everyone had a merry little Christmas perhaps even enhanced by all the bizarre weather this december. My Christmas was pretty good so I though I'd take the time to fill you in.
Christmas EveIt was at about six in the evening that everyone traversed through the winter sludge to our house. We were joined by my sister Tiana and her husband Ken, my sister Colleen and her boyfriend Casey and my Dad even stopped by, even though he usually spends Christmas Eve with his mom at some Church service. I was excited to see what goods I'd be hooked up with this year and perhaps what weird presents I would receive but first we would dine.
Naturally for the season we would have ham for dinner. I've never much been a fan of ham, I think it's kind of dry and I'd actually say I prefer it when it's been refrigerated for a day or two after the initial meal. There was also cheese covered broccoli, au gratin potatoes, rolls and more and it was pretty good. Unfortunately, our dinner conversations (especially Holiday ones) just about always make their way to the topic of vomit. My mom talking about how my sister Tiana used to projectile vomit all over the place quickly had me losing my appetite and I couldn't wait to move on. So we decided to unwrap some presents to the tune of Jose Feliciano music playing the background.
I played Santa for the most part handing out people's presents, but due to my mom and step dad always putting joke names on the tag, it was actually kind of complicated. How am I supposed to now that "Dimples" is my mom or "Daisy" is Paul? It was madness I tells ya! Anyhow it didn't take too long and I was soon to open my first present. Strangely enough it was a long tube and as people unwrapped present after present, I was still struggling to rip open this strange tube. Could it be a series of more tubes? No it was a
Dark Knight poster of The Joker. Feels kind of juvenile to hang it in my room, but I like posters so I was grateful. After that I got some
Dark Knight action figures for a gas (Which I proudly display on CD/DVD shelf), a copy of
The X-Files: I Want to Believe, some new guitar gear (strings, a new strap, various picks), this sweet restored Godfather boxed set some little handheld guitar hero game that sucks... That's all I can think of for now. I was pretty satisfied with the evening and it seemed like everyone else was having fun as well. My sisters got iPods, Paul got Ken a 3 pound chocolate bar, People got CDs and DVDs, Paul got a chia herb garden, but one thing that really grabbed everyone's attention was Paul's remote control helicopter.
Not long after my mom and step dad went out to Wallgreens to buy more mini helicopters and soon enough, those little buggers were buzzing around everywhere... I was not amused. The night preceded with witty banter, at least to my recollection and soon came to an end, yet another successful Christmas Eve celebration
Christmas DayThe next day Paul and I awoke early to the sight of even more snowfall, though by this time it was quite wet and the temperature was rising it was quite a sight, a White Christmas indeed. So Paul and I proceeded to my dad's house where the three of us then exchange gifts. We were all pretty tired and actually waited quite awhile before we opened presents. I had some toast and watched
A Christmas Story which was darn swell. A little bit after that we decided to get to it and open our gifts. Here I finally got a copy of
The Dark Knight to go along with all my other
Dark Knight stuff, new headphones, a copy of
Knocked Up: Special Edition, a new portable notebook and my first Criterion DVD with the three disc
Seven Samurai. My dad got a new blender from Paul along with some other kitchen stuff, I got him some dvds and what not which he seemed to enjoy. Paul got a really fancy remote control plane that I helped pick out (before we knew about the remote control helicopters) and then we all just kind of relaxed... I fell asleep on the couch.
After this we made our way to Marysville to celebrate Christmas at my aunt's house. We were the first to arrive and got some hot cider and soon enough the other's arrive. It consisted of my aunts, cousins and my grandma and though it may have been a little bland it's always nice to see the family. My cousin Drew who's is always inventing gadgets and gizmos (Such as helping my dad build
this) brought his latest invention the "normalcy meter". It had metal case with a timer and two metal stubs to place your fingers upon. after you did this it would show you how normal you are on a meter. Though all it had was a "-", "normal" in the middle and then a "+" and everyone hit around the middle. It was a useless invention but it was hilarious and my dad came up with the idea that it could be a 50s communist detection toy.
So we had dinner (more ham) and then opened presents. I got a new wallet, I always get wallets from somebody and Paul got a pocket watch, which was fine and dandy. Blah blah people chatted and snacked and I headed home. I went to
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button that night on a whim (always wanted to go to a movie on Christmas and headed home)
New Years Eve A lot happened between Christmas and New Years.. A lot of nothing! Oh! But seriously I saw some more movies like
Doubt and
Frost/Nixon (which was especially captivating) and watched plenty of
New Years was soon to come but nothing really took off until late that night. I went to Burger King with Paul and my dad (we just had to after watching
The Terminal a few nights before) and then we came home and watched some
Twilight Zone and
Fight Club on G4 for some reason. It gave my dad a chance to see what everyone's been raving about all these years. I found some somewhat likable aspects near the beginning, but I still think that film digs itself into a pit of sloppy madness as it progresses and am really not impressed by it.
I eventually "Got the call" from Colin to come over to Sean's house why I was the last to be invited I'm not sure, but I think we all had a good time. I enjoyed all the festive activities and snacks, I got my text twist on and played some Virtua Tennis. Not to brag or anything but I really can't remember the last time I lost on a team or playing by myself against another person. I got home at 3 am, went to sleep, woke up at 10:40, went out and bought a birthday present for my mom (January 3rd) and saw
Gran Torino which was really great... And now I'm here I go back to school on monday, so overall it was a pretty good winter break, pretty, pretty, good.