Hey not much new but I like post here every now and then.. You know so people know that I'm alive and stuff. Any how I started winter quarter at BCC last week and it's been pretty swell. I got my cramped Math 099 class but what that means to you I don't know. Aside from that I have an online History of Film class where were assigned various films to see and then write papers about them, so far I've watched The General and The Kid for it and have rented The Lady Eve and Grapes of Wrath for next week, it's been pretty fun so far.
I'm also taking Digital Design/Storytelling where we do character and story analysis, watch stuff and have discussions. It's one of those classes that both video production and game production people need to take and man talk about a nerd fest. I've never seen so many hideous looking beards in one location and when were not discussing Joseph Campbell or myths everyone is talking about their PC's and X-box gamer scores. This guy in front of me just hooks up his laptop and plays "Finger Revolution" all day, whatever that is... Oh and get this his desktop is that movie The Crow. I'm not sure if I'm hearing the class role call correctly but I think that guys name is Christopher Walken, so that makes him okay in my book.
Most of the time where comparing classic figures to more contemporary characters and that's when all the nerdiness shines. People discussing in great detail Superman's origins and morals and what not, it's entertaining but sometimes I gets a little annoying. Lots of people seem to already know a vast amount of facts regarding our topics thus far... Except for one thing.

Okay so today the class needed to suggest ten heroes for us to analyze and thoroughly discuss. So you know people suggested characters like; Superman, Wolverine, uhh Xena for some reason (One guy said George W Bush, I don't usually laugh at stupid comments but that one really got me) a bunch of other guys and than one guy shouted out Dirty Harry. So we cut to about half an hour when we've made it down the list to Dirty Harry. "Okay so what do we know about Dirty Harry?" the teacher started, I assumed we'd be talking all about Harry Callahan, oh how wrong I was.
So who was Dirty Harry? Well the first comment went a little something like this "He's a cowboy and he shoots people." Say what? Cowboy? I was confused, our teacher proceeded with something around the lines of "Yes Dirty Harry was the title character in The Man With No Name Series." I'm sitting here thinking "What the hell are you talking about? Doesn't anyone here no who Dirty Harry is?" I tried to raise my hand but the conversation was moving so fast that I couldn't get a proper opening. He then went on to list the films "Let me see there was the first movie The Man With No Name" Which is wrong that movie doesn't exist. Others started shouting the actual ones followed by about four other unrelated films including; "The Outlaw Josey Whales", "Hang Em High" and basically any other film that had Clint Eastwood in it... I could of said Space Cowboys and nobody would of noticed. I mean for teacher that constantly references film does he have any idea what he's talking about? Does he not know what Dirty Harry is? I mean they call it the "MAN WITH NO NAME" series for a reason and I thought everyone knew that was a trilogy? This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but for me it was really annoying. There were probably some other stupid comments but they've slipped my mind.
That's all I got for now... Though I was reading up on Jared Hess' latest movie (You know the guy who directed "Nacho Libre" and "Napoleon Dynamite".) It's called "Gentleman Broncos" and it's about an aspiring teenage fantasy writer who's idea is stolen by some douchebag fantasy writer (Played by Jermaine Clement of Flight of the Conchords fame) and I just noticed that a fake site for Clement's character "Ronald Chevalier" has been put online and I think it's pretty funny. There are some video clips of the character and I can't wait for this movie, you should check it out.
Here it is

"I'm Dr. Ronald Chevalier author of all ten Harpy Cyborg trilogies."
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