Figure it's time for an update even if I don't have much to report. I had a pretty good three day weekend despite the fact that I was somewhat hampered by homework and online mid terms and what have you. I saw The Reader on Monday which was okay. It's always kind of fun to go to those movies where the audience is mostly middle aged people trying to explain the movie to each other and strangely enough Lincoln Square was like a ghost town, strange for a holiday if you ask me. I've been listening to a lot of Bruce Springsteen since Working On a Dream came out and when out and bought Darkness on The Edge of Town and Born in the U.S.A. at half price I also downloaded Magic, good stuff, makes you proud to be an American.

I've been buying a lot of books at Half Price lately and have kind of been switching back and forth between a couple. Mostly I've been reading Bruce Campbell's "Make Love! The Bruce Campbell Way" (A fictional story about Bruce Campbell being cast in a supporting role in a romantic comedy) and "No Country for Old Men" which has been pretty similar to it's cinematic counterpart thus far. After that I got a copy of "The Road" but I'll wait till after the movie (Whenever it comes out I have no idea) and I got Jon Krakauer's "Under the Banner of Heaven".

Regarding television my times been split between Deadwood and Oz. I watch Deadwood with my dad and brother, definitely a man's man show and but Oz is what I've been all about lately (I'm midway through the fourth season). I really enjoy it and highly recommend it, though I warn you it can get pretty graphic sometimes; male nudity, vulgarity, extreme violence and so on. It really pushes some boundaries but it's a great show.

Hmm what else? All this Griffey stuff has been driving me crazy, I swear I check like every five minutes to check out the scoop but still nothing. I guess I'd understand if he chooses the Braves but remember when he said "I owe it to the people of Seattle and to myself to retire as a Mariner." People don't forget things like that, don't let us down Junior.
(Pictured Left is a box of cereal that I still own to this day.)
1 comment:
"Under the Banner of Heaven" is fantastic. I hope you enjoy it.
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