Apparently I saved this post awhile ago and didn't finish it, so let's see what's been cooking. I'm getting pretty tired of the school work I've been getting lately but I'm hanging in there. My classes have been pretty boring lately and I couldn't believe the lame exercise we did in my digital design/storytelling class. We did this "assignment" where we lined up our desks and wrote stories by passing back a sheet of paper, but the paper had to be folded before you passed it back. Therefore know one knew what the stories were about and the results were really bad stories. For my part I just did a bunch of B.S. character contemplation and stuff like that, I don't know what I was supposed to take away from this experience.

I finished reading No Country For Old Men last week and it was pretty good but I still prefer the film. It seems rare that the film counterpart to a good book is superior but I think this is one of those instances. Now I'm going back to finish a book about filmmaking of the 60s and 70s, which I originally acquired for a class (though we've yet to use it) but I've been enjoying reading it on my own time, especially all the stuff about Dennis Hopper (That guy is insane).

Family Affairs
Our family cat Junior recently went through somewhat of a health scare with a urine blockage a few weeks ago, but he's okay now. My dad and I had to take him to an animal hospital at midnight on a weeknight but he made through all the treatment. He's doing fine now but he's not completely out of the woods so he's been living mostly in Paul's room so we can keep a close eye on him (him and Paul are like the just like the odd couple).

I've been casually listening to the latest U2 album, but I'm not really that crazy about it. There's definitely some songs on it I really like, like "I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight" and "No Line On the Horizon" but I'm just not that into U2 I guess. I like a few albums and have a lot of respect for them but sometimes they just seem kind of boring to me. Oh well, who knows what I'll think of it later in the year, these things take time.

I was all about Watchmen but I'm disappointed to see all the mixed opinions from critics. I'm probably in the minority of people who like it better than the source material but I was really impressed. I guess I find the graphic novel too sloppy sometimes with all the filler articles, the Black Freighter stuff, the need for excessive back story. Don't get me wrong I like the graphic novel, I just don't love it. The movie definitely has it's fair share of flashbacks and back story in keeping loyal to graphic novel, but I feel the characters can breathe more and come to life in a significantly more compelling way in the filmed adaptation. I really liked Jackie Earle Haley and Patrick Wilson and the art direction, cinematography and visual effects were out of this world. All in all it was a pretty impressive work and I respect that someone dared to take on such an ambitious project... Oh yeah and I saw Godzilla's Revenge on Canadian television, that was awful.

I've recently taken a break from Oz. I'm one episode away from finishing the fourth season (there are six altogether) and it's been harder to find the time to watch Deadwood lately (I'm somewhere in the second season, but I've checking out some other weird stuff in the meantime. Occasionally I go over to my dads to watch Match Game 75" hosted by Gene Rayburn on some game show network. I'm all about old game shows (To Tell the Truth is my favorite) so it's been pretty entertaining. Somehow I also got roped into watching the Celebrity Apprentice which as dumb as it is, is strangely compelling. My family and are all rooting for Tom Green for his lack of a big ego, plus he seems to be the most hard working on the men's team. The women's team just seem to get into big cat fights every episode but they still manage to win every week, I don't imagine I'll be watching this show much longer.
That's all that comes to mind for now, I'll keep you posted if something else pops into my head that I forgot to mention.
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